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yvrHacks 2024

Welcome to British Columbia's biggest high school hackathon! yvrHacks is a beginner-friendly hackathon for high school students in Vancouver–and is the perfect place to collaborate, learn, and build something cool, with prizes for the top submissions! Get ready for 8 hours of coding, workshops, free meals, many prizes, and lots of fun! The hackathon will take place at the Vancouver Independent School for Science and Technology (VISST) at 1490 W Broadway, Vancouver! This hackathon is only open to students who registered on our website prior to the registration deadline.

When: Sunday, September 29th, 2024

Where: Vancouver Independent School for Science and Technology (VISST)

Who: Any high school student in British Columbia

Prizes: $4000+ in cash, subscriptions and swag!

You can learn more about yvrHacks on the yvrHacks website and see submitted projects on the Devpost!