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Advent of Code

Our first community event – an advent calendar of two daily coding challenges, everyday from December 1st to December 25th. In less than one week, our community grew from just 1 member to over 120 high school student developers from across British Columbia.

When: December 1st → 25th, 2023


Who: Any high school student in British Columbia

Prizes: $125

  • Over 61 members participated in our Advent of Code event
  • As a community, we attempted and succeeded in a total of 614 challenges
  • In total, we spent over 236 hours coding and over 5000+ messages discussing problems
  • Our top two competitors received a total of $125 in prizes
    1. on December 10th, Sam Liu from Eric Hamber Secondary School won the first prize
    2. on December 25th, William Yan from New Westminster Secondary School won the final prize

This is the final top 15 leaderboard for BCYDC participants from across British Columbia
